6 Questions About Your Printing Setup That Save Money

In the past, IT was often viewed as a cost center. But today’s IT professionals are business-savvy executives responsible for bottom-line results.

They are important members of the corporate management team, tasked with improving productivity and efficiency. However, many CIOs may be surprised to find a significant business loss caused by their own departments.

For example, a CIO at a company with 500 employees can potentially recover more than $100,000 per year, according to our study, by asking six key questions and making simple changes that often require zero development costs. They’re easy fixes that many IT professionals may be overlooking.

How does your company compare? Run through these questions and find out.

  1. Approximately what percentage of your workflow is paperless?
  2. Do you currently utilize output management software to help secure, redirect or track print jobs in your office?
  3. How many pages does your organization print per month?
  4. Which best describes your current printing environment?
  5. What is the approximate number of printers and printer/copiers in use at your company?
  6. What’s the average distance an employee needs to walk to use a standalone printer/copier?

If you haven’t asked these questions, believe us, we certainly have. There is a shortcut to salvaging your lost revenue due to device, document, process and people woes. This is to contact Kingsbridge technologies to do the legwork for you.