Document Analytics – Data to Page

Every document that’s created potentially represents a task that could have been done in a different, cheaper way.

Cost Control

Every document that’s created potentially represents a task that could have been done in a different, cheaper way.

Workflow Optimization

Pinpoint the inefficiencies in your processes, simplify and optimize them according to your business priorities.

Storage Optimization

Help predict device failures reducing downtimes that can have adverse impact on operations and thereby profits.

Paperless Transformation

Devices are just tools in people’s hands. What you really need to know is how they’re using those tools, and why.

“Document analytics helps you identify manual, paper-intensive processes that could be simplified or automated to reduce costs, conserve resources and save time. It shows you the difference between “good paper” – essential printing- and “bad paper,” which should be avoided.”

It reveals what becomes of printed documents at the end of their useful life, and how much of your print output ends up being filed, archived or recycled. Document analytics illustrates the role that printed documents, and their associated processes, play in your organization. You can look at the data at the organizational level, or drill down to individual departments or business processes, to understand how you use printing in each of your workflows.